Saturday, July 10, 2010

honest to blog?

a blog? like a real blog? by me?
my lists are great, don't get me wrong, but... I guess I'm itching to jump on the blog bandwagon (or the blandwagon). but mostly, I would like to write more, a lot more.
I thought of writing this blog when I read someone's fbook status, which stated: "you sure do learn a lot about a person while reading their journal." Well, I don't have a journal. I have always wanted to write regularly in a journal, (I'm an important person, why not?) but I never have written in a journal for longer than a week at a time. I think that I have done a ... pretty good job of posting lists to my listsofjenni blog, so its time.

Now I need to name my blog. I just googled "how to name your blog" and came to an article called "www.?.com"... regardless, I'm still clueless on what would be clever, appropriate, memorable, and something that I wouldn't mind posting on the interweb. it is really just intimidating having the friends that I have, they all have really wonderful blogs and names of blogs. hopefully I'll have a blog name by the end of these ramblings.

What does one do when starting a blog (or any journal type thing) in the middle (or still a reasonable beginning, but there is a lot of stuff that has already happened) of their life? do I tell about my most recent excitements? or do I start from the beginning? I like chronology, but I feel like that would take a long time.

I just looked up (on google translate) how to say "ramblings" in spanish, cause spanish is important to me, and guess how you say it in spanish. prolijo y confuso. direcrly translated it means prolix and confusion. awesome. bring it on blog naming.

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